Passport Services

Eligibility and Benefits of Indian Passport in USA

autohr img By Vipul Jain | 10 Dec, 2024
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A passport is one of the most important documents for everyone. For every citizen, a passport is a license to explore the world and become familiar with different borders. Before embarking on any international trip or a journey you have to choose the right Indian passport. Additionally, two types of Indian passports have their benefits and eligibility. So if you are an Indian and planning to visit the USA for any reason then this is a worthy post for you. Here we explore the types, eligibility, and benefits of Indian passports in the USA.

Let's start the blog by shedding light on both the types of Indian passports and then we will discuss their benefits and eligibility. In which we will include the application process, essential documents for an Indian passport, and much more. So without wasting a single minute let's start with the physical passport.

Types of Indian Passports:

There are two types of Indian passports: the first is physical and the second is an E-passport. Here we will explain the types, eligibility, and benefits of Indian passports. Additionally choosing the right passport is very essential and it helps you to choose the passport that aligns perfectly with your travel travel aspirations. So let’s start with the physical passport and learn the subcategories of this type of Indian passport.

Physical Passport

This is also known as a traditional Indian passport and the booklet of this comes in five different colors. All of those represent some specific purpose. Now it's time to know all about them and explore the purpose behind the different colors of Indian passports.

Blue Passport (Ordinary Passport):

This type of passport is also known as P passport. Alongside it is dark blue. When we talk about the purpose of this Indian passport then citizens use it for business, leisure, or personal travel.

Additionally, the P passport is open to all citizens of India, regardless of age, profession, or educational background. All of these make this an accessible passport option. When we talk about the validity of this passport then it is valid for 10 years for adults and 5 years for minors. This P passport or we can say blue passport is available in 36 or 60 pages and makes travel more frequent.

Orange Passport (Emigration Check Required Passport):

It is another type and the benefits of an Indian passport. An emigration check required a passport was introduced in 2018. To get this type of passport every individual must have to clear at least 10th grade if they require emigration clearance before departure.

People who didn’t clear their 10th standard and want to live or work abroad then they are not eligible to get this passport. Although it is essential to get emigration clearance before departure.

Also, it requires mandatory emigration clearance before departure, involving additional steps and potential delays compared to the blue passport. It also contains potential delays and steps in comparison to blue passports.

White Passport (Official Passport):

It is nominated with its white cover and this passport is only eligible for government employees only for specific govt businesses.

Common citizens are restricted from getting this passport because it is issued only to government servants deputed for official overseas work, not for personal travel.

Maroon Passport (Diplomatic Passport):

This is an honored passport that grants diplomatic immunity and it is reserved only for high profile government servants and their family

Only a limited number of people or a selected group will get this passport including ambassadors, high commissioners, and senior government officials representing India abroad.

There are some exemptions to local rules and regulations in the host country for Maroon card holders. However, it doesn't extend to all situations and is subject to international agreements.

Yellow Passport in India:

This yellow-covered Certificate of Identity (CI) is given to Tibetan exiles living in India; thus, the term "yellow passport."


With the enhancement in technology, Passport Seva has upgraded to Epassport and it was launched in the year 2023. It is an electronic version of the blue passport that offers a safe and contactless travel experience. On the other hand, an e-passport consists of an electronic chip that stores the biometric information of the holder.

This makes it possible to digitally identify crucial information like name, birthdate, and more. Consequently, this technology improves the transparency and security of travel documents.

Above we discuss the various types of Indian passports. Now it’s time to know the eligibility of an Indian passport in the USA. So, to learn more about each type of passport and their eligibility criteria and benefits stay tuned with us.

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Eligibility of Indian Passports Based on Their Types:

Each Indian passport has its own eligibility criteria and citizens need to fulfill them to get a passport. So if you want to make your passport then it is essential to become familiar with their criteria. By keeping this in mind let’s start with a blue passport.

Blue Passport (Ordinary Passport)

  • The applicant should be an Indian Citizen.
  • Citizen of India by descent
  • Citizens of India, by naturalization

Orange Passport (Emigration Check Required Passport):

  • To get an Orange passport applicants have to serve overseas for 3 or more years.
  • Those under 18 years or minors can apply
  • Adults over 50 years old are also eligible
  • Applicants who pay income tax from regular professions or businesses can apply for this passport.

White Passport (Official Passport)

  • This passport is only eligible for government employees including Indian Government Officials, IAS, and IPS officers

Maroon Passport (Diplomatic Passport)

  • Indian Foreign Service officers (Branch A)
  • Chairholders in the Ministry of External Affairs and officers from the Indian Foreign Service (Branch B)
  • Officials with diplomatic status
  • Officials in the Government of India

Yellow Passport

  • Tibetans seeking refugee are eligible for this type of Indian passport.


  • Applicant should be an Indian citizen
  • Required Address proof
  • Have to submit a valid Identity proof

Above we mentioned the eligibility criteria for Indian passports. Next, we will check out the benefits of different types of Indian passports.

Benefits of Indian Passport in the USA

There are several benefits of having an Indian passport in the USA. So if you have plans to visit the United States of America for any reason then be with us. Let’s check out the benefits of having an Indian passport.

Blue Passport (Ordinary Passport)

  • It is a standard passport for Indian citizens.
  • There is no immigration check required for a blue passport.
  • Passport holders can travel freely to countries without additional emigration clearance.
  • Enable international travel privileges and visas on arrival in eligible countries.
  • Serve as a primary identity document globally.
  • Professionals and students can access facilities easily.

Orange Passport (Emigration Check Required Passport)

  • ECR status for eligible travelers.
  • Unskilled or semi-skilled workers can easily travel overseas.
  • Help authorities to monitor and support workers traveling to ECR-listed countries.
  • Ensure benefits under international labor agreements.

White Passport (Official Passport)

  • Indian officials can travel abroad for government projects.
  • Streamlined travel for official purposes including events and international meetings.
  • Faster processing at airports because of official status.
  • Official government document worldwide.
  • Connected with government-funded travel expenses.

Maroon Passport (Diplomatic Passport)

  • Maroon passport holders can enjoy visa-free travel.
  • No need to apply for a visa in advance.
  • Enable a more streamlined process during international travel checks.
  • Get several diplomatic immunities in the country they visit.


  • Speedy immigration clearance.
  • Enhanced security.
  • Meets all the international standards.
  • Worldwide acceptance.

Summing it up:

With the help of this blog, readers will get familiar with the different types of Indian passports in the USA. including Blue, Orange, Maroon, White, and e-passports. Apart from the types you will also learn the eligibility and benefits of Indian passports.

So peeps if you are also looking forward to creating your passport or Indian passport renewal services then we recommend you to choose Visament. It is one of the best immigration service providers that offers the finest services around the world.

By choosing this you will get 24*7 customer support, speedy approval, inexpensive price, error-free applications, and more.

Read Also:- How Long US Passport Validity Remain? Here Is What to Know

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have an Indian passport then you can travel to 35 countries without a visa.

High-ranking government officials, diplomats, individuals representing India, and family members of diplomats.

1500 INR for a 36 pages passport, and 2000 INR for 60 pages passport.

There is no minimum age for a passport in India.

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